Remember last week, when there was so much love? (sigh)
- Hoggard leads the room in "Nothing Could Be Finer"
- Sandy Carmany on why she started blogging; Elizabeth Edwards responds
- Elizabeth Edwards on net neutrality
- Mike Krempasky from Red State on Brad Miller
- Wendy Warren of the Philadelphia Daily News on local journalism of the future: "not the loudest voice in the room"
- Dan Rubin of the Philadelphia Inquirer brings a little Will Bunch Attytood into the room
- Ed Cone: "this industry's going to get a lot sicker before it gets well"
- WillR on strengthening the institution of journalism
- John Robinson of the News & Record on enabling comments for news articles: "we're struggling with how wide open to make them"
- Jim Rosenberg asks Allen Johnson, Editorial Page Editor, how he and JR measure the success of the online Letters to the Editor experiment. Allen responds: quality, yes, but mostly quantity.
- Jim continues: "it's a totally unachievable goal to police comments?" Allen responds: we don't have the staff, it takes too long, and besides, trolls get "pushed out of the room" and we have"house rules" that are "very clear" (ed. note: wow! I mean, if that were true, wow), then JR executes his executive privilege by shutting down the topic...
- Except that it won't die! Score one for the Unconference. Seeing that the "takes too much staff time" argument floats like a lead balloon, Allen unveils this beauty: "It would crash the server." (Ed. note: pause. Uproarious laughter!) JR grabs the reins more firmly.
- Lex Alexander of the News & Record: "I don't know how you stay in business with a response time that slow."
- On rethinking the newsroom as a service business, not a manufacturing operation
- WillR: "I'm steering thousands of eyeballs to these guys, and they don't even care..."
- A few words about Web First, Print Later and making the most of reader-generated content (ed. note: no longer rooting for their success at this point. You?)
- Ed "A Blogger's Best Friend" Cone brings it home: "You gotta pay 'em."

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